
The Dream of Sohn Kee-chung poster

“My lifetime dream is to be remembered not as Japanese but as Korean Sohn Kee-Chung!”

VANK made this poster because we believe that 75 years after the liberation in 1945, the wish of Sohn did not come true.

Many web sites around the world still use Sohn’s Japanese name and indicate his nationality as Japanese.

VANK made this poster with the wishes of the marathoner Sohn Kee-Chung, who won the gold medal at the Berlin Olympics in 1936.

On the poster, the nationality ‘KOREA’ was inserted into the chest of Sohn, who cut the winning tape at the Berlin Olympics, and his lifelong dream was engraved.

Criticizing Racism in Europe regarding COVID-19 – DER SPIEGEL Made in Racism

VANK made a parody digital poster criticizing the spread of discrimination and hatred toward Asians in Europe, including a report by the German Spiegel weekly magazine, which promoted racism under the title “Corona-Virus Made in China.”

The reason VANK made this poster is that the anti-Chinese sentiment is rising globally due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 and this sentiment has been spreading out in Europe in the form of anti-Koreans, anti-Japanese, and anti-Asians. which leads to the judgement that discrimination and hate towards Asians are spreading in Europe.

In public places in Europe, not only Chinese, but also Asians including Koreans and Japanese as a whole are stigmatized as carriers of the virus and are subject to hate and avoidance, and the starting point was the press such as the Spiegel.

This is because Spiegel promoted racism by putting a provocative title “Corona-Virus Made in China” on the cover of their magazine.

In response, VANK parodyed the title chosen by this magazine and produced a poster title d “Spiegel-Made in Racism.”

Japan’s Hashima Island history distortion poster – Pinocchio

The Japanese government is exhibiting testimony and data denying the victims of forced labor of Koreans at the Industrial Heritage Information Center related to the registration of Hashima Island as a World Heritage Site.

In response, VANK created a poster criticizing history distortion by comparing the lying Japanese government to Pinocchio.

On the nose of Pinocchio on the poster stands the Hashima Island, and notated above as follows: “Letter to Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan. Lies cannot be hidden. The truth is going to be revealed.”

Japan’s Hashima Island history distortion poster – the Boy Who Cried Wolf of Aseop’s Fables

VANK distributes a poster depicting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as a Boy who cried wolf and a picture of coal mine in Hashima Island on the background.

The phrase starts with ‘Dear PM Shinzo Abe, you may heard of “the boy who cried wolf” from Aseop’s fables. If you repeatedly lie as the boy did, world citizens will not believe the words of the Japanese government’.

following ‘Do NOT break your promise with the UNESCO, and DO NOT deny forced labor of the 1940s in Hashima island. Children around the world are watching you Japan!’

2020 Tokyo Olympics Radiation issue poster

VANK made a parody poster that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics could arouse concerns regarding radiation safety issues.

The poster was created by parodying the Olympic torch relay into a radioactive material transport scene.

Also, on the stamps and coins commemorating the Tokyo Olympics, radioactive materials are being transported instead of the Olympic torch.

This poster is a modern reinterpretation of the poster commemorating the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo and the poster for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

It also contains warnings to raise the radiation safety issue.

VANK made the parody posters to wish for the safety of both athletes and spectators along with the succesful hosting of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Criticizing the rightward shift in Japanese textbooks Campaign poster

The covers of over 30 Japanese elementary school history textbooks were cut out with a knife to depict the image of Japanese soldiers armed with weapons such as guns and tanks at war.

The Japanese elementary school history textbooks describes distorted contents such as ‘Dokdo belongs to Japanese territory, and Korea is illegally occupying it.’, ‘The Russo-Japanese war gave hope of independence to many Asian countries.’

The future of Japanese youth who have learned the history of glorifying the war of imperialist aggression can lead to a revival of Japanese militarism.

Accordingly, VANK aims to inform the world of Japanese government’s militarism with these posters and to stop these policies.

Criticizing distortion of Japanese history textbooks poster

The covers of over 30 Japanese elementary school history textbooks were cut out with a knife to depict the image of Japanese soldiers armed with weapons such as guns and tanks at war.

The Japanese elementary school history textbooks describes distorted contents such as ‘Dokdo belongs to Japanese territory, and Korea is illegally occupying it.’, ‘The Russo-Japanese war gave hope of independence to many Asian countries.’

The future of Japanese youth who have learned the history of glorifying the war of imperialist aggression can lead to a revival of Japanese militarism.

Accordingly, VANK aims to inform the world of Japanese government’s militarism with these posters and to stop these policies.

Ban the use of the Rising Sun Flag Campaign poster

VANK created a poster to inform the world that the Japanese Rising Sun Flag was used in the times of committing war crimes.

This poster was designed to help people around the world to recognize that the Rising Sun Flag, a symbol of Japanese militarism, is like the Hakenkreuz, a symbol of Nazi militarism.

In this poster, VANK added a symmetrical composition with Shinzo Abe and Adolf Hitler holding war-criminal flags side by side, plus a mustache, to intuitively recognize the similarities between the two characters and the period of war crimes.

Also on the bottom of the poster, there is an English phrase that “the Rising Sun Flag and the Nazi Flag(Hakenkreuz) has the same meaning as a war-crime flag used to invade other countries, but the attitudes of present-day Germany and Japan toward the war-crime flags are different.”