
Map of Korea’s maritime territory.

VANK made a poster to promote Korean maritime territories.

Maritime territory is a term that includes the territorial sea, the EEZ, and the continental shelf, which the sovereignty and sovereign rights that Korea has. When you search a Japanese map on Google, the map introduces almost all of the maritime territories, whereas the Korean map does not properly show the maritime territories.

Therefore, it is necessary to properly inform the world of Korea’s map, which depicts the maritime regions of our sovereignty.

Above all, Korea’s neighboring countries, Japan and China, have a high interest in maritime territories, and the Northeast Asia is in a situation where conflicts and tensions are increasing with the Air Defense Identification Zones.

While Koreans are not interested in this, Japan and China are actively promoting maritime territories to the world, and for this reason, Dokdo and other Korean territories are not properly known to the international community.

Therefore, Korea should also actively promote maps that contain all the seas and lands of maritime territorial sovereignty, including EEZ and continental shelf limits.

Accordingly, VANK created four digital English Korean maps that reflect the Korean maritime territories such as Ulleungdo, Dokdo and Ieodo, to notify the world about Korean maritime territories..

Disclosing information about the biological warfare unit 731 poster

VANK created three advertising posters in Korean, English, and Chinese to tell the world of the Japanese Unit 731.

The title of the poster is “Have you heard of the Unit 731, the Asian version of Auschwitz?” and introduces the phrase “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” which is engraved in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Compared to Auschwitz, a Jewish Nazi camp in Germany is widely known in the Americas and Europe, war crimes by Japan and Unit 731 are not well understood by the international community.

For this reason, the poster introduces the international community of the Unit 731, the Asian version of Auschwitz.

In addition, we compared the picture of Nazi HItler with a picture taken in 2013 of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on a plane with 731 on it.

Then we compared the pictures of Auschwitz, and a member of Unit 731, who conducted inhuman biological experiments.

The text on the floor in the poster symbolizes the floor of Auschwitz and Unit 731 describing “the victims were Koreans, Chinese, Mongolians, Russians… students worldwide should be taught the truths of the Unit 731 of Japan!”

Return Korean cultural properties that were illegally smuggled out in Japanese colonial era.

With a Global Petition, VANK created the digital posters in Korean, English, and Chinese that tells internationally what is the “Ogura Collection,” a symbol of plundered cultural properties overseas.

The digital poster convicts Ogura Takenosuke(1870~1964), who illegally smuggled out about 1,100 Korean national treasure-class relics during the Japanese occupation period.

Even though, during the Japanese colonial era, we were not able to condemn his crimes, but now we had put the global petition link on the poster as we address and report the intention of international judgement through a Global Petition.

The Ogura Collection contains relics of the highest value among Korean cultural assets located abroad collected by individuals.

For this reason, the Korean government requested the return of the Ogura Collection during the 4th Korea-Japan Talks on Cultural Heritage Committee meeting in 1958, but the Japanese government refused to return the Ogura Collection because it was deemed as private property.

VANK reports the international community of Ogura Takenosuke’s crimes of not being properly judged through a digital poster, and through this, it allows people around the world to participate in Global Petition for the return of smuggled out cultural properties.

You can download and distribute the digital posters through VANK’s web site, Flickr, Facebook and blog.

The Great Wall of China made of rubber band

VANK would like to report the world of the fact that the Chinese goernment is expanding the Great Wall like a rubber band through history distortion, and is making a distorted claim that all of the fortresses in its territory based on the current border are included in the Great Wall.

With this poster, VANK intends to inform the world of the history distortion of the Great Wall of China, which is a serious threat to peace in Asia, and to resolve the history distortion of China togetther with the world.

China’s distortion of Gwanggaeto Stele

On the information board of the cultural heritage site in front of the Gwanggaeto Stele in Jian City, Jilin Province, China describes it incorrectly as “The monument of the Chinese nation(Zhonoghua Minzu)”.

It is distorting that “Goguryeo belongs to Chinese history” to foreigners from all over the world who visit the Gwanggaeto Stele.

Accordingly, VANK created a poster to inform the world of China’s history distortion.

There are two signs of Gwanggaeto Stele on the poster. The one on the left is what is currently located, and the sign on the right is an imaginary description that describe the stele correctly.

Preserve Jungdo historic site Campaign poster – Korean remains ver.

What would you do if a Legoland is built after demolishing Changdeokgung Palace of Joseon, Baekje Historic Areas, Goguryeo Gwanggaeto Stele, Shilla Gyeongju Historic Areas?

Just as these heritages represent Korea’s long history and splendid culture, the Jungdo sites in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do also represent the splendid ancient history of Korea from the Neolithic Age to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

Preserve Jungdo historic site Campaign poster – world-class remains ver.

VANK has created a poster to protect the Jungdo sites that are in danger of being damaged by the Legoland construction.

The poster brings up Stonehenge in England, Parthenon in Greece, Egyptian Pyramids, Roman Colosseum, etc, and questions would if the international community tolerate when a Legoland is to be built after demolishing world’s major ruins.

Criticizing CIA’s distortion of facts about Korea, Dokdo and the East Sea poster

On the book published by CIA wrongly describes the language of Korea as ‘Korean and English’, the name of the sea between Korea and Japan as ‘Sea of Japan’, and Dokdo island as ‘Liancourt Rocks’. ‘Liancourt Rocks’ is a name that Japan promotes to third countries in order not to recognize Korea’s ownership of Dokdo island, and is derived from the French whaling ship ‘Liancourt, which spotted Dokdo in 1849.

The poster is criticizing the United States Central Intelligence Agency through the title of the book (2019-2020 THE CIA WORLD FACT BOOK), ‘FACT’ replaced with ‘ERROR’ to (2019-2020 THE CIA WORLD ERROR BOOK).

Criticizing Racism in Europe regarding COVID-19 – Holocaust did not happen out of the blue

With the spread of the COVID-19, there is a phenomenon in the Americas and Europe that discriminates against or hates Asians including Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and Southeast Asians. In Fact, students suffer from discriminatory language or physical violence on the streets without reason, and also they are being banned from school and are forced to transfer.

VANK believes that if racial discrimination and hate crimes cannot be prevented, the Holocaust tragedy of genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany during the World War Ⅱ could be reproduced before humanity.

In response, VANK has created five anti-racism posters. Four of the posters are set in Auschwitz, the first concentration camp built by Adolf Hitler, describing an elementary school student who symbolizes the next generation holding a balloon that says “Corona virus rumors and hatred of Asians. Holocaust did not happen out of the blue.”

The other poster warned by engraving the same phrase on the tombstone symbolizing the Holocaust that the “Second Holocaust” tragedy could come before humanity again.

The Story of Hope – fighting COVID-19

VANK created a poster to spread the story of hope to people around the world fighting the COVID-19 infection.

On the poster, the English letters ‘COVID-19’ are written as ‘Courage’, ‘Openness’, ‘Victory’, ‘Inforamation’, ‘Defence’, 1(day), 9(people), with the meaning that we can beat the COVID-19.

The poster is spreading the meaning of: “We must overcome fear with courage, and with open mind, if we stop hating our neighbors, we will win. Avoid fake news, convey accurate facts, and share your heart with 9 people a day while wearing a mask and practicing washing hands.”