
Tell the world the truth of Asian Holocaust, the ‘Ukishima’!

VANK created a poster to inform the international community of the truth of the vessel, Ukishima, and is distributing the poster on social media.

The poster states “Intended Genocide! The worst sinking incident ever in world history! We are looking for the jury to participate in the Asian Holocaust, the ‘Ukishima’ trial.” as the topic. It also presents the crime overview and evidence of crime so that people around the world could be concerned in the incident and become an honorary jury of the case.


Massacre of about 5,000 conscripted Joseon people(Koreans)

In August 1945, after the loss in WWⅡ,

the Japanese government, willing to avoid criticism from

the international community for wartime forced labor,

planned a systematic genocide when sending back

civilians on the vessel to Joseon(Korea)


According to investigation report prepared

at the request of the Allied Forces,

1) Crew demonstration that Japanese crews won’t give up

their lives because of Joseon people(Koreans).

2) Record that the Navy chief of staff had commanded

the crews to give up their lives.

Anyone can be the jury. Join the global petition by the link shown in the poster and let people around you see the poster.

Dokdo, the Hearts of Freedom Fighters! Poster

VANK have created a digital poster that introduces Dokdo and the dreams of Freedom Fighters of a hundred years ago.

Through this Dokdo poster, VANK informs that Dokdo is an island with historical significance that can be compared to the hearts of Freedom Fighters.

Most of all, to Koreans, Dokdo is not one of Korea’s 3,000 islands, but is an island with a special meaning in which the dreams of Freedom Fighters who devoted themselves to reclaiming the country and history taken away by Japanese imperialism 100 years ago. And we are to inform foreigners of this fact.

With the background of Dokdo, a beautiful island in the East Sea, the poster introduces famous quotes representing the life of Freedom Fighters such as Yun Bong-gil, Ahn Chang-ho, Envoy to the Hague, Unknown Righteous Army soldiers, Yu Gwan-sun, Jeong Jeong-hwa, Kwon Ki-ok, Kim Maria, Nam Ja-hyun, Frederick Arthur McKenzie, Ernest Bethell, Frank Schofield who devoted themselves to the independence of Korea 100 years ago.

Also we hope that the dream and passion of the Freedom Fighters will be known to foreigners around the world through the current of the East Sea embracing Dokdo in the poster, which is compared to an electrocardiogram of the Freedom Fighter’s heartbeat 100 years ago.

Have you heard of the “Statue of Peace” in the city of Berlin?

The Statue of Peace was established in September 2020 at the intersection of Birkenstraße and Bremer straße in Berlin’s Borough of Mitte, led by the Korea Verband, a Korean-related civil organization. This is the third time that the Statue of Peace was installed in Germany, and it is the first time to be installed in a public place.

The Statue of Peace is not a diplomatic issue between Korea and Japan. It is of great significance because it criticizes the abuse of power as well as wartime sexual violence against women worldwide, and it contains values such as peace and gender equality. However, there is the only country in the world that strongly opposes this image of the Statue of Peace. It is Japan.

After the installment of the Statue of Peace in Berlin, the Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsunobu said “I feel extremely disappointing of the installment of the Statue of Peace on the streets of Berlin”.

He also said “We know that the unveiling ceremony was held in downtown Berlin, and we will make an effort to remove it.” The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Motegi Toshimitsu called for the removal of the statue in a phone call with the German counterpart Heiko Maas.

Due to the Japanese government’s relentless pressure on the German government, the Borough of Mitte suddenly revoked the permit to install the Statue of Peace on October 7th and ordered its removal by October 14th.

We are enraged with the German government and Borough of Mitte’s decision to allow the removal of the Statue of Peace under the Japanese government’s pressure.

The statue is not a diplomatic issue between Korea and Japan, which the Japanese government has claimed as a cause for the removal.

The Statue of Peace symbolizes the universal human rights issue, and it is the aspiration and desire of all people around the world to hope that the issue of sexual violence against women in war will not be reproduced on this land again in the 21st century.

Above all, Germany had set an example for the international community with sincere reflection on Nazi war crimes.

The German President, Chancellor, Foreign Minister have set an example for the international community with sincere reflection on Nazi war crimes. Through this, even though Germany was a perpetrator of war, but through solving and settling the history of the Nazis, Germany is highly being respected and admired by many young people around the world, including Koreans.

However, the German government’s attempt to remove the Statue of Peace is a betrayal of the faith and trust of people all around the world. Above all, VANK believes that German government’s acceptance of the removal of the Statue of Peace through the Japanese government’s lobby is to deny the responsibility and reflection on the history of aggression that Germany has shown to the international community.

Therefore, we want to prevent the 21st century German government, which should take the lead in settling and clearing Japanese war crimes, from being used as an exoneration to justify aggression and hide war crimes by Japan.

Please raise your voice against the policy of accepting the removal of the Statue of Peace by the Borough of Mitte and the German government!

Please make complaint to the German government to join internationally publicizing the war crimes of Japanese imperialism, the same as those of Nazis!

For whom does UNESCO exist?

VANK has created a digital poster asking the world to know whether the UNESCO is a national organization serving the interests of China or an international organization serving education and human rights.

The Chinese government has emphasized the centralized education of ethnic minorities in China, such as ethnic Koreans and Mongolians living in China to be assimilated into Chinese culture.

Because of this, ethnic minorities are deprived of the right to learn the traditions and cultures contained in their mother tongue and to be connected with their roots.

Beginning this September, ethnic Korean primary and secondary school teachers are required to teach Language and Politics from 2021 and to teach History from 2022 in pure Chinese.

However, UNESCO, which should criticize China’s policies, is condoning verbal annihilation of ethnic minorities in China which is against the purpose of the organization’s existence, only paying attention to the Chinese government, which pays the most contributions.

Conservation of cultural diversity is related to the purpose of UNESCO’s existence.

UNESCO’s purpose of contributing to peace and security is best guaranteed when respecting cultural diversity.

– UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity

UNESCO should not keep silent on this reality of ethnic minorities being deprived of the right to learn the traditions and cultures contained in their mother tongue and to be connected with their roots.

Accordingly, VANK created a digital poster and distributed it to the world that calls for the active action of UNESCO.

The poster begins with the phrase saying “For whom does UNESCO exist?”

The UNESCO logo is parodied to show CHINA, which symbolizes China instead of UNESCO on the left, and WORLD, which symbolizes the world on the right.

Through this, VANK seeks to urge UNESCO to protect humanity’s linguistic heritage and create a world where cultural diversity is respected.

Ancient Korea was Chinese territory? East Sea is Sea of Japan?

VANK created a digital poster requesting corrections of errors about Korea in US textbooks.

Errors about Korea are neglected in the World History textbooks of the SAT test, which is taken by 2.2 million people worldwide, and the World History textbook of the AP test, which is taken by 300,000 people every year in the United States.

In response, VANK created a digital poster that requests American textbook publishers to review and correct the errors about Korea in order for American youths who are interested in Korea to get correct perception of history.

The poster introduces the SAT test world history textbook and the AP test world history textbook about key historical errors about Korea. Also, there is a Global Petition site below that shows how you could participate in the Global Petition.

Diario AS should reflect on its racial expression on Asians poster

In September 2020, a Spanish daily sports newspaper ‘Diario AS’ depicted eight rising stars of the Spanish Primera Liga in 3D caricature. The eyes of a Korean player Kang-in Lee and a Japanese player Takefusa Kubo were stretched.

On the other hand, Joao Felix of Portugal and Ansu Fati of Spain, and other four were epxressed with round eyes. The gesture of tearing the eyes to the sides is a demeaning expression for Asians with relatively small eyes.

The digital poster describes as follows: “Find out the difference between the two pictures with your own eyes! Many Asians got furious by the cover(left) of ‘Diario AS’, a spanish daily newspaper on September 11, 2020. If you condone the demeaning of others for being different from you, it will get back to you as hatred and violence.”

We often witness moments of ignorance and exclusion because of the fact that we are different.

And those choices justify hatred and violence without any notice.

‘Diario AS’ portrayed Asians in the form of stretched eyes instead of considering personal characteristics just because they are Asians.

This expression is used to neglect Asians.

If the international community neglects this, it can justify discrimination around the world and spread hatred and violence through it.

Especially when handling sports, the media have the obligation to be aware of the values that sports intend to embody and to exert a positive impact, in compliance with the Article 10 of the International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport. The media have the duty to be well informed of and realize the solidarity, mutual respect and understanding, and respect for people in sports.

With this poster, VANK demand the Spanish media Diario AS dealing with sports treat Asian athletes not as ‘different races’, but as equal beings of humanity.

Prevent the Japanese government’s from deliberately releasing radioactive water poster

VANK created digital posters to prevent the Japanese government’s nuclear power plant from deliberately releasing radioactive water.

This is de facto policy of the Japanese government to dump the contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean despite fierce opposition inside Japan and around the world.

VANK created a digital poster to inform the international community of the Japanese government’s intentional release of radioactive water.

This poster says “We couldn’t prevent Fukushima Nuclear Disaster! But We can avoid Japan’s deliberate discharge of Radioactive Water! For the Future of the Earth and for the Well-being of Humanity. Please join the Global Petition!” The poster warns that the Japanese government is dumping radioactive materials into the sea, which could cause the global village to be contaminated with radioactive materials.

In addition, the poster is calling on the world to take part in action by introducing an Global Petition site conducted by VANK to prevent this problem.

We are living on our only planet Earth. We need to be more cautious on irreversible decisions affecting the one and only Earth and the oceans without borders.

It is important to fully discuss the effects with neighboring countries that would be affected by the decision.

However, the Japanese government does not even listen to the opposition of its local communities, let alone the neighboring countries.

Nuclear power plant accidents could not be prevented, but the deliberate discharge of radioactive water could be avoided.

Stop China’s Cyber Chauvinism poster

More than 200,000 Chinese have committed indiscriminate cyber violence to the words of a celebrity in Korean entertainment show. What she had mentioned was “What about Mao as a stage name?”

We oppose the hegemonic attitude of nationalism which have been showing off their power, coercively treating neighboring countries and people, and imposing lynch.

We are concerned about the situation where this attitude is tolerated and viewed as a virtue by the state and the government.

If we remain silent, this incident will not only be an anecdote but will be repeated in the future. And the next target could be every single Korean person and citizens of the world.

Therefore, VANK created this poster to notify the international community of this issue.

IOC, Revise the Olympic Charter poster

VANK created digital posters requesting the revision of Olympic Charter Rule 50(2).

The Olympics, a place of harmony to confirm peace and solidarity of the people around the world, have been degenerated into a product by the IOC.

The IOC is arbitrarily interpreting and executing the Olympic Charter to suit the tastes of the sponsors of the Games in order to better sell the “product” named Olympics.

It is not an exaggeration. It can be verified by the attitude of the IOC interpreting the Rule 50(2) of the Olympic Charter.

The Rule 50(2) prescribes that ‘No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.’

In fact, “political action’ can be any action that expresses an idea or opinion.

Based on the regulation, the IOC is arbitrarily limiting freedom of expression.

The IOC does not care about the Olympic Spirit, silences any expressions that might be uncomfortable for sponsors, and allows for expressions that only sponsors would like.

In the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Dokdo, an indigenous island that belongs to the Republic of Korea, was banned from being marked on the Korean Unification flag as a political act contrary to the Olympic Spirit. On the other hand, the IOC has shown a contradictory attitude, allowing Dokdo to appear as Japanese territory on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay map not being regarded as a political act.

What is worse, the IOC arbitrarily allows racist and xenophobic expressions against the Olympic Spirit.

The IOC has announced that it is allowed to bring the Rising Sun Flag into the 2020 Tokyo Olympic stadiums.

Accordingly, VANK created a digital poster to inform the international community of the IOC, which is driven by supporters with capital strength, not keeping the Olympic spirit.

The digital poster created by VANK highlights the IOC’s interest in sponsors’ capital rather than the Olympic spirit through the scales.

Ban the use of the Rising Sun Flag in Tokyo Olympics poster

VANK created a campaign poster in English and Korean to accuse the use of the Rising Sun Flag for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

In this poster, Adolf Hitler is looking at Prime Minister Shinzo Abe using the Rising Sun Flag at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

And also introduces a quote from André Malraux, the former French Minister of Culture, “He who has dreamed for long resembles his dream.”

The Japanese Shinzo Abe administration allowing the Rising Sun Flag, the flag of war criminals, during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic is the same as the German Nazis allowed the Hakenkreuz during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, showing that the dreams of the two people for militarism are in harmony.

Also, on the bottom shows the Global Petition that more than 68,000 people have signed for the ban the use of the Rising Sun Flag in the Tokyo Olympics.

Adolf Hitler, leader of the German Nazi party, tried to demonstrate to the world the physical superiority of the Aryan race through the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

The Nazi aimed to be exonerated of their racism and militarism. They tried to exploit the Berlin Olympic Games as a political propaganda to rationalize the invasion of neighboring countries.

World citizens today call the Berlin Olympics the “most disgraceful Olympic Games”. An event meant to promote peace abused to further a political propaganda of hate and racism.

And in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, there was Hakenkreuz, a symbol of Nazi militarism.

VANK aims to inform the international community that the Rising Sun Flag is the flag of war criminals so that the 1936 Berlin Olympics in Germany, remembered as the most shameful history that undermines the spirit of the Olympics, will not be reproduced through the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.